Monday, July 16, 2012

Pennal Gulch - Watts Bridge

This map section begins at the overlap point with the preceding map--somewhere amid the braided river channel of Round Valley.  A discussion of stream channel braiding is fully warranted here, if not on the preceding page.  There are really only four areas where the river braids in the Stanley-North Fork.  One is Round Valley, the second is Salmon Valley, the third is very small section between Tower Rock and Red Rock, the fourth is near Wagonhammer RV park about two miles up river from North Fork.  Neither of the last two areas are anywhere near the extensive braiding of Round and Salmon Valleys.

We envision an extensive discussion of stream channel braiding on this page.  This would be a good place to summarize the history of Challis.  It is also a candidate for discussion of riparian habitat.  However, the Shoup Bridge map page is also a candidate for riparian discussion.  Perhaps this first evidence of stream braiding would be the best place to discuss it.

The only other things to mention on this page are private property issues; the Challis Hot Springs, the geology of the cliffs at Pennal Gulch, McNabb Point, exiting Round Valley, cottonwood blow downs, Challis Creek, Morgan Creek, the diversion below the Bed & Breakfast and Watts Bridge.

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