Monday, July 16, 2012

Mormon Bend _ Robinson Bar

The most significant issue with this map section (and the one that follow) is they they do not "break" at a usable spot.  This map section ends slightly down river from The Narrows.  The next map section begins slightly above The Narrows.  We realize it is probably not practical to re-design the maps at this point so they would break at the Elk Creek RAP.  It will be very important to note on both maps that the "break" between the two does not denote any sort of RAP or informal access of any kind.  There is none.

The large Green Dot seems to imply there is a RAP at Robinson Bar.  Such is not the case and will be discussed in greater detail on the Robinson Bar - Thompson Creek narrartive

Obviously, three campground and one RAP are shown on the lower (beginning) portion of this map.  The salient points that can be discussed here are:

Basin Creek
General river channel characteristics
The Rough Creek Bridge
Shotgun Rapid
Sunbeam Hot Springs
Sunbeam Dam
Sunbeam Dam Rapid
Sunbeam Village
Yankee Fork
Yankee Fork RAP
Yankee Fork USGS stream gauge
Elk Creek RAP
Piece of Cake Rapid
General stream channel characteristics below Piece of Cake
O'Brien Bridge
Coyote Mining
Upper O'Brien Campground
Lower O'Brien Campground
Indian Riffles & Overlook
Mandatory portage period
Spawning salmon
Robinson Bar
The Narrows
  Indian Head Rapid
  Warm Springs Confluence
  Warm Springs Rapid
  Horse Trough Rapid

This is one of the "busier" maps of the entire selection of maps for this project.  Many of the topics and highpoints here can be discussed nowhere else.  Shotgun and the Sunbeam-Yankee Fork complex are the prime example.  Crafting short, succinct descriptions for many of the features in this stretch will be challenging.

We believe that the Mormon Bend RAP description should be aired on the preceding map page.  This will provide a little additional space for the descriptive needs of the features exclusive to this map page.

Likewise, there is a prominent geothermal feature just up river from Basin Creek.  We would recommend leaving this feature out.  We would, however, recommend a note about the Sunbeam Hot Springs due to the geothermal resource's role in the siting and construction of Sunbeam Dam.  If not for the Sunbeam Hot Springs, Sunbeam Dam may never have existed!  Likewise, this is a great place to mention the CCC.

Note that the location of the Sunbeam Dam Rapid on the map is incorrect.  It should be denoted on the last bend immediately up river from the Yankee Fork confluence.  The dam is hardly 100-150 yards from the Yankee Fork confluence.

In addition, the note should say Sunbeam Dam, Class IV rather than just Class IV.  Sunbeam Dam and Shotgun are easily the two most prominent rapids on the river above the Yankee Fork.

Note also that the Elk Creek RAP is one of the busiest and most heavily used RAPs on The Upper Salmon River.  The legend needs to show a boat access icon.

We question whether the Yankee Fork RAP should show a boat access icon.  Access here is very problematic and generally suitable only for those with kayaks and other small, lightweight water craft.  We certainly would not want to give the impression that this RAP is on the same order as the other more developed and spacious RAPs.

We also question the seemingly random uses of the yellow bar spanning the river channel.  Generally, we assume the yellow bar to denote something larger than a riffle but smaller than a rated and named rapid. There are numerous such riffles between Mormon Bend and Torrey's Hole.  None particularly merit any special notation.  Likewise, if some are noted and similar ones are not noted, this may be very confusing to the new or casual river user.

We can easily see how descriptions relating to Robinson Bar and the Narrows could be placed on the following page, thereby freeing up valuable space for discussion of the other features.

This is going to be a very difficult page to put together.  It will be up to the BLM Staff to decide which of the features merits mention and/or description on the page that accompanies this map.

There is easily at least two and probably three potential pages of narrative that could accompany this map.

If we were prioritize the narratives to accompany this page (in order of appearance) we would chose:

Basin Creek  (there is no longer baoting access here)
Riffles above Rough Creek
Rough Creek Bridge (heavily used informal RAP, often by commercial outfitters)
Riffles above Shotgun
Shotgun (Extensive description)
Sunbeam Hot Springs
Riffles above Sunbeam Dam
Sunbeam Dam (extensive description)
Yankee Fork confluence & RAP
USGS gauge
Elk Creek RAP
Piece of Cake (short description)
The O'Brien complex
Indian Riffles
Approach to The Narrows.

We would then put everything related to Robinson Bar and The Narrows on the next map page.

Unfortunately, there is too much going on with the map to include any meaningful geology.  Perhaps Falma Moye could find a way to squeeze in a one-liner here and there if space allows on this page.

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