Monday, July 16, 2012

Eightmile - Lemhi Hole

Lots to talk about in this stretch.  As the river bends away from the road below Eight Mile there are some pretty gnarly chunks of rip-rap on river left. They can easily be avoided but they should be mentioned in at least a general sense.

The biggest points of discussion on this map section are:

Shoup Bridge RAP
Cottonwood blow downs
Shoup to Salmon stretch & shuttle
Stream braiding
River flood plain
Go left at island above Salmon
Prepare for tight pullout at Island Park RAP
Discuss Island Park in general as well as lower access point
Diversion below US Hwy 93 bridge
Lemhi River/Lemhi Hole

The Shoup Bridge to US Hwy 93 Bridge and the Island Park RAP is one of the mosst popular stretches of river in the lower area described by this guide.  It's a very sweet stretch of river.  Because of the extensive, low-lying flood plain, there is very little sign of residential development.  Likewise, the geology and riparian are spectacular.  There are ample riffles to provide unrated fluffy water.  The shuttle is easily the easiest and quickest of any shuttle on the 150 miles of river that this guide covers.  You can actually walk to a motel, river outfitter, bakery, bars and restaurants directly from the take out.  It's a great stretch of river!

It is VERY important to note "GO LEFT" at the top of the island that is Island Park.  In all but the highest flows, if you go right, you will become marooned in shallow water far from the main river channel.

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