Saturday, July 14, 2012

About this blog

This blog was created July 14, 2012, for the initial purpose of facilitating assembly of a draft river guide to the Salmon River between Stanley and North Fork, Idaho.  The draft river guide is being put together as a volunteer project for the BLM Challis Field Office.  John Parsons is the principal volunteer working on the project.  This blog has no official connection to the BLM or any other local, state or federal agency or entity of any kind.  The blog is owned by and is the sole responsibility of John Parsons, an individual who lives in Idaho Falls, Idaho.  The purpose of this blog is simply to facilitate the organization of information and illustrations germane to the completion of a working draft document.  When the volunteer project is finished, this blog will probably be dismantled and may be put to use for other purposes.  For more information, you may contact John Parsons via this email: or by phone at 208-557-9630

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